Tutors 2024

Worldwide full Professors in Geriatric Medicine and other medical specialities.

Worldwide full Professors and Experts in Gerontology (nursing, nutrition, psychology, sociology and also architecture, demography, economy, and engineering.

The tutors involved in a session should participate in all teaching activities.


April 2024, Vaccines in Old adults

Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel, M.D.

Prof. Michel is emeritus professor of medicine and former head of the academic geriatric department (Geneva Hospitals and Medical University). He is also honorary professor of Medicine at Limoges University (F) and Beijing University Hospital (CN) as well as adjunct professor at Mac Gill University (Montreal – Ca).

He co-founded the European Academy for Medicine of Aging (EAMA) in 1992, the Academia Latinoamericana de Medicina del Adult major (ALMA) in 2001, the Middle East Academy of Medicine of Ageing (MEAMA) in 2002, the Asian Academy for Medicine of Ageing (AAMA) in 2011 and the South Est Asia Academy of Geriatrics in 2018. After several years of work as ambassador of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics-World (IAGG-W) for Asia and the Middle East, he is now acting as Director of the IAGG-W Federation of Geriatric Education (2017- today) and set up in 2021, he set up an International online training in Gerontology and Geriatrics: IAGG e-TRIGGER in two time zones Asia/Oceania and Africa/Middle East/Europe (https://iagg-fge.org/).

He got the City of Vienna (Austria) life achievement award” in 1998 and the “China Foreign Friendship Award” in 2002 and gave a talk at the Great People Hall in Beijing on this exceptional occasion. During the 2013 IAGG-World congress of Geriatric Medicine in Seoul, he received a “World award” for his long life and global achievement in geriatric medicine.

He was elected President of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) in 2012 and 2013 and was the editor-in-chief its peer review journal “European Geriatric Medicine” (IF2022 = 3.8) from 2010 to 2017. He is now Honorary editor-in-chief this European Geriatric journal and associate editor of “Aging Clinical Experimental Research” (IF2022 = 4.2)

He was elected full board member of the French National Academy of Medicine (Paris) in 2012 and is currently acting in its international committee. He was elected foreign correspondent of the Real Academia of Medicina de España in 2018.

He has been appointed as WHO expert of the “Aging and Life course” program since 1992 and was co-author of the 1st Global WHO report devoted on “Ageing and Health” launched in 2015.

In 2016, he co-founded the European Interdisciplinary Council on Ageing “EICA”, based at Venice International University in San Servolo Island (Italy). In June 2018, he was elected President of the EICA. He is now part of the executive board.

Until now, he has authored more than 500 reviewed scientific papers and multiple book chapters (more than 120’000 readers, about 27’500 quotations – IH > 65).

In 2018 he was the 1st editor of the Oxford textbook of Geriatric Medicine (3rd Ed), which got an Award by the British Medical Association. In 2019, he edited two Springer books untitled “Healthy Ageing: midlife prevention of age-related disability” (Doody score **** 95/100) and “Adult vaccines”. As chairperson of the working group established at the EU 28 level by the Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA), he was the chairperson of an interdisciplinary review report on “Transforming the future of ageing” (2019). In 2023, he published the International Textbook of Geriatric Medicine with Dr HY Cho and his is the first editor of the Oxford textbook of Geriatric Medicine (4th edition – 2024)


Originally from Dublin, Ireland, Fiona Ecarnot works as a research engineer at the Cardiology Department of the University Hospital of Besançon, France. She received an MSc in biostatistics and epidemiology from the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, and obtained a PhD at the same university in 2019 in the field of cardiovascular sciences, focussing in particular on the use of qualitative research methods in the field of cardiology. Her research areas include vaccines, geriatrics and gerontology, ethics in healthcare, palliative care and end-of-life issues. She has authored or co-authored over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, plus numerous book chapters.


Dr. Stefania Maggi

Dr. Stefania Maggi is a Geriatrician and Epidemiologist with specific interest in the epidemiology of aging and in the analysis of factors promoting healthy Aging in a lifelong approach. She is currently working as Research Director at the CNR Aging Branch-Institute of Neuroscience in Padua, Italy, and coordinating several national and international research projects on nutrition, vaccines and life style as key factors for promoting healthy aging.

Dr. Maggi is past-President of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) and currently active in several EuGMS working groups, she is Vice-President of the European Interdisciplinary Council on Aging (EICA), member of the IOF Committee of Scientific Advisors and Member (ex-officio) of the ESCEO Board. Since 2016, she is a member of the Accademia Galileiana.

Dr. Maggi has authored more than 500 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and many book chapters.

March 2024, Cardio-vascular disorders

Prof. Timo Strandberg

Timo Strandberg, MD, PhD (University of Helsinki, Finland), professor emeritus of geriatric medicine at the universities of Helsinki and Oulu, Finland; past president, EuGMS; chairperson of the Clinical Section, IAGG European Region

Dr. Shaimaa Nabil Rohaiem

Dr Shaimaa Nabil Rohaiem is a consultant of geriatric medicine from internal medicine background. She was trained at Ain Shams University hospital. She believes that elderly care is truly a humanistic duty that needs dedicated persons. Her 1ry specialty is Geriatric medicine including (Acute geriatrics care, Palliative Care, Dementia care, End of life care, Psychogeriatrics).
She was also trained on and practiced internal
medicine plus intensive care medicine of elderly. As a
Physician practicing medicine in Greater Cairo (Egypt), she got opportunity to work in several large hospitals. She has a very good experience in medical care of older adults; and all care levels related to geriatric medicine including home healthcare & Telegeriatrics.
Apart from her clinical experience, she is a lecturer of geriatrics at Ain Shams Medical School. As a researcher, she had several publications and currently contributing to research projects. She has served ni medical administrative and leadership positions.
She has worked as a temporary advisor to the EMRO- WHO ni several occasions for auditing geriatrics health services. She has provided training elderly healthcare providers ni Egypt, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. She has received several honorations and is a member of scientific societies.

Dr. Ghassan Watfa

Dr. Ghassan Watfa currently working in King Saud Medical City (KSMC) as a consultant Geriatrician and Director of Excellence administration.

Past Director of Home Health Care Administration in KSMC and Riyadh Health Cluster one (R1) and the lead of Last Phase (System of Care) in R1, he initiated the Hospital at Home services (Infusion therapy (OPAT), TPN, Hospice at home, advanced respiratory therapy, advanced wound care, …).

He initiated and developed geriatric activities starting by Geriatrics and Memory Clinics, and Multidisciplinary Geriatric Team.

He has an active role in the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students including physicians, nurses, and health allied staff. He is also member of the national scientific committee of Home Health Care diploma.

Before joining KSMC, he served, for 6 years, as Geriatrics consultant at the Department of Geriatrics of Nancy University hospital in France and participated in their clinical and pedagogical activities.

In partnership with the Nancy University Hospital & INSERM Clinical Investigation Centre, he conducted his research in physiopathology and pharmacotherapeutics of decline cognitive, hypertension and aging. He has authored more than 20 papers published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and has participated in several international conferences. He has contributed published 2 books (chapters) in Hypertension management in elderly.

After the basic medical training, he did his Internal Medicine Residency training in 2007 and Geriatrics specialty in 2010 from Nancy University Hospital, France. He obtained his MSc from the University of Paris VII (2008) and his PhD from the University of Nancy (2011).

Founder member of the Saudi scientific Home Health Care Society (SSHHS) and the Saudi Geriatrics Society, He is the head of SSHHS wound club. He is also member of several national and international medical societies such as French Society of Internal Medicine (SNFMI), French Society of Hypertension (SFHTA), French Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SFGG), European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Society of Hypertension (ESH).




February 2024, Three special issues

Prof. Anastassia E. Kossioni, DDS, PGCeODL, MSc, PhD

Professor of Gerodontology at the School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece.

Anastassia Kossioni is Professor of Gerodontology at the Dental School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in Greece. She received her DDS and PhD from the NKUA, her MSc in Gerodontology from the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry (University of London, UK), and her Certificate in Open and Distance Learning from the Hellenic Open University.

She has a long teaching experience in Gerodontology for dentists and other health care professionals both nationally and internationally. Her research activity is focused on the association of oral with general health in older people, on oral frailty and on gerodontology education for dentists and other healthcare professionals including interprofessional collaborative practice.

She is currently Honorary Secretary and Chair of the Education Committee at the European College of Gerodontology (ECG) and co-Chair of the Special Interest Group in Gerodontology at the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS).




Prof. Marina Kotsani, MD, MSc, PhD

Marina Kotsani is an internist and geriatrician. Between 2015 and 2021 she worked by the side of Prof Benetos in the Geriatric Unit of the University Hospital on Nancy, sharing her activity between clinical duties and research, participating also in EU funded projects. Since 2021 she lives in Nice, and works as the coordinating physician in a long-term care facility.

During the whole time she maintained also an activity in her birth country, Greece, by leading the working group for the development of geriatric medicine in Greece of the Hellenic Society for the Study and Research of Aging, by participating in the research and teaching activities of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Primary Health Care Research Network and of the Master on the Pathophysiology of Aging and Geriatric Syndromes of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is also actively involved in the activities of the European Geriatric Medicine Society.

Her main interest lies on the development of educational and health policy strategies for the promotion of geriatric medicine in countries where it is still under development. Since November 2022 she leads the PROGRAMMING COST Action 21122, a 4-year European project aiming to the promotion of Geriatric Medicine in countries where it is still emerging, counting more than 300 participants from more than 40 countries.

Prof. Katarzyna Szczerbińska, MD, PhD

Katarzyna Szczerbińska, MD, PhD, full professor of medical sciences with specialty in geriatrics, Head of Laboratory for Research on Aging Society at Chair of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in Jagiellonian University Medical College, in Kraków in Poland, She is Secretary General in the Executive Committee of International Association for Gerontology and Geriatrics – European Region (IAGG-ER), and Board Member of the Association of Polish Geriatricians, which members the EUGMS.

Prof Szczerbińska has a strong record of expertise is long-term care, public health, and epidemiologic research. Prof Szczerbińska is an author of over 270 scientific publications in the field, in the journals with high scientific impact, books, and manuals (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0004-3858)

Principal Investigator in 13 international scientific projects funded by EC, among which the top are CLESA-FP5; PREDICT-FP7; PACE-FP7; I-CARE4OLD – HORIZON 2020; InTouch and NAVIGATE-HORIZON Europe, SPRINT-T-IMI (member of the core research group). All of these projects were focused on the care for multimorbid, frail older people with cognitive or functional impairment.




Prof. Dr. Martijn Huisman

Prof. Dr. Martijn Huisman is a professor of Epidemiology of Ageing at the Amsterdam UMC
and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where he is affiliated with the departments of
Epidemiology and Data Science, and of Sociology, respectively. He is educated in psychology
and epidemiology and has contributed to research, teaching, and advancement of
knowledge in the field of ageing. He is the current president of the Dutch Society for
Gerontology (NVG-KNOWS) and the principal investigator of the long-running Longitudinal
Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA). His academic work has covered topics such as health
inequalities, resilience, and the role of socioeconomic conditions in ageing. Prof. Huisman is
firmly committed to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
through his work, such as good health and well-being for everyone, reduced inequalities,
and decent work for everyone.




January 2024, Vitamin D, osteoporosis and falls

Prof. Reginster

Dr. Reginster is a highly accomplished and esteemed professional with a rich and diverse background in the medical and academic realms. Graduating with a Doctorate in Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics from the University of Liege, Belgium, in 1982, he embarked on a trajectory of continuous learning and specialization. His expertise expanded into Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, achieving board certification in 1987, and further specialization in Public Health at the University of Nancy, France, in 1994. Notably, Dr. [Name] pursued advanced studies in Epidemiology and Health Policy at the University of Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, culminating in 1995. His academic journey reached its pinnacle with a Professoral Degree (PH.D.) as Agrégé de l’Enseignement Supérieur en Sciences Médicales from the University of Liege in 1993. In 2008, he achieved board certification for Forensic Evaluations and Insurance Medicine from the National Institute of Social Security in Brussels, Belgium.

Presently, Dr. Reginster holds key leadership roles, notably as the Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Public Health Aspects of Musculoskeletal Health and Aging since 2017. He serves as an Emeritus Outstanding Professor in Epidemiology, Public Health, and Health Economics at the University of Liege, Belgium, contributing significantly to academia. Dr. Reginster is also an Emeritus Outstanding Professor of Bioethics and Societal Medicine, showcasing the breadth of his knowledge and interests. His global impact extends to the academic community in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he has been a Professor, holding the Chair for Biomarkers of Chronic Diseases at the College of Science, King Saud University, since 2021. With a remarkable array of past appointments, honorary titles, distinctions, and memberships, Dr.Reginster’s multifaceted career reflects a deep commitment to advancing medical knowledge, research, and ethical standards.




Prof. Mouna Snoussi

Associate Professor in internal medicine at Hedi Chaker Hospital and Medical School of Sfax (Tunisia) (2020-present).

Master’s degree in geriatrics medicine and in clinical pharmacology and gerontology.
General Secretary of the Tunisian association of geriatrics and gerontology.
Master’s degree in clinical research in medical sciences.
Member of a research laboratory on autoimmune diseases in Tunisia (2018- present).

Prof. Mario Brabgallo

Full Professor of Geriatrics Chairman of the IAGG-ER (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics) Clinical Section Director of the Geriatric Unit, Director of the Department of Emergent Pathologies, University Hospital Director Post-graduate program in Geriatrics University of Palermo, Italy

Prof. Mario Barbagallo currently works at the Department of internal Medicine, Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care and Medical Specialties. His current interests include Geriatrics, Disability, Frailty, Alzheimer’s disease, MCI, Hypertension, Cardiac failure, COPD, Osteoporosis, Nutrition, Diabetes, Healthy Aging.

DisciplinesDiabetology, Geriatrics and Food Science
Skills and expertise: Aging, Health, Hypertension, Renin-Angiotensin System, Heart failure, Calcium, Osteoporosis, Vitamin D, Fractures Magnesium, Diabetes, Aging, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease