Thursday 26 September 2024

Thursday 26 september, 2024

Start times:
14h00 – Paris, Geneva, Rome
Please check the corresponding start time in your geographical area!

New Generation of Adults
14h00-14h02 Introduction of the topic and expert Mario Barbagallo (IT)
14h02-14h22 Healthy Aging Dr. Hanadi Khamis Al Hamad (QT)
14h22-14h32 Case report Robert Kupis (PL)
14h32-14h55 Discussion Meltem Sengelen (TR)
14h55-15h00 Short synthesis Mario Barbagallo (IT)
15h00-15h02 Introduction of the topic and expert Joël Belmin (FR)
15h02-15h22 Feminisation of Aging: When aging is a women’s issue

Rosette Farrugia-Bonello (MT)

15h22-15h42 Case report Julie Byles (AU)
15h42-15h50 Discussion Meltem Sengelen (TR)
15h50-15h55 Short synthesis Joël Belmin (FR)
16h00-16h02 Introduction of the topic and expert Leon Geffen (SA)
16h02-16h22 Life-course prevention to favour healthy aging Dilek Aslan (TR)
16h22-16h32 Case report Meltem Sengelen (TR)
16h32-16h55 Discussion Meltem Sengelen (TR)
16h55-17h00 Short synthesis Leon Geffen (SA)
Online evaluation of the session by attendees and participants
Online control of knowledge to demonstrate the higher order thinking skills of the trainees.