Tutors 2021-2022
Worldwide full Professors in Geriatric Medicine and other medical specialities.
Worldwide full Professors and Experts in Gerontology (nursing, nutrition, psychology, sociology and also architecture, demography, economy, and engineering.
The tutors involved in a session should participate in all teaching activities.
November 2022, End of life care and palliative care
Dr. Lin Kang
Associate Professor
Vice President at Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Peking Union Medical College Hospital (CAMS) – Beijing, China
Associate Director of Geriatric Department of PUMCH & PUMC (Peking Union Medical College). Chairman of Youth Committee of Geriatric Specialist Branch of Beijing Medical Doctor Association. Deputy chairman of Youth Committee of Geriatric Specialist Branch of Chinese Medical Association. Deputy chairman of Youth Committee of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Beijing Medical Association. Member of World Association of Chinese Doctors. Member of Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia and Asian Working Group for Cachexia.
Associate Editor of Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Journal of Geriatric Cardiology.
Editorial board member of Aging Medicine journal, Frontiers in Medicine, Frontiers in Nutrition.
e-mail: kangl@pumch.cn, kanglin_66@126.com
Prof. Gisèle Pickering
(MD, PhD, DPharm) is Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France. She is the Director of the Inserm CIC 1405 Clinical Research Centre and is a permanent member of the Inserm 1407 Laboratory of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology of Pain. Her main topics of research concern the mechanism of action of analgesics, including NMDA antagonists for severe chronic pain, the impact of pain on cognitive-emotional processes and pain management in older persons. She regularly contributes to peer-reviewed publications on Pharmacology and on Pain, to international meetings and belongs to national and international Pain, Pharmacology and Geriatrics Societies. She participates to the validation of observational scales for older persons with communication (Doloplus, Algoplus) and sensory disorders (Visiodol) and to expert consensus on pain care. She is the Chair of the Research Committee at the European Pain Society (EFIC). She is the author of over 150 publications and the editor of several books.
Contact: gisele.pickering@uca.fr
October 2022, Vaccinations in old adults
Fiona Ecarnot, PhD
Fiona Ecarnot, PhD
Originally from Dublin, Ireland, Fiona Ecarnot works as a research engineer at the Cardiology Department of the University Hospital of Besançon, France. She received an MSc in biostatistics and epidemiology from the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, and obtained a PhD at the same university in 2019 in the field of cardiovascular sciences, focussing on the use of qualitative research methods in the field of cardiology. Her research areas include vaccines, geriatrics and gerontology, ethics in healthcare, palliative care, and end-of-life issues. She has authored or co-authored over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, plus numerous book chapters.
Dr. Jane Barat, PhD
Jane M Barratt, Ph.D. is the Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing (IFA) an international non-government organisation with general consultative status with the United Nations and its agencies including formal relations with the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Population ageing and disability across the life course have been Jane’s passion and interest across an adventurous career that traverses public and private sectors and many disciplines.
Representing over 75 million older people through the membership of the IFA, Jane has direct responsibility for the corporation’s operational performance, quality and strategic implementation, and business development. This includes leadership at the United Nations Economic and Social Council in New York, Geneva and Vienna and the WHO.
Jane is a Winston Churchill Fellow and recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in Canada in recognition of her commitment and passion to enhance the understanding of issues relating to ageing and engaging in dialogue with governments and the private sector to improve the quality of life of older people.
Among her many current positions Jane is a Member of Vision Academy, Director, Baycrest Health Sciences and Chair of the Education Advisory Committee, Associate Scientist, Sinai Health System, Member, Global Committee for the DR Barometer Program, and Member of the International Council for Adult Immunisation. Formerly she is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Ageing and until recently Chair, Standing Selection Committee Chair for the Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada.
Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel, MD
Dr. Jean-Pierre Michel was Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Academic Geriatric department in Geneva University Hospitals till 2011.
Then, he was president of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS), while acting as World Health Organization (WHO) expert of the “Aging and Life course program”. He is full member of the French Academy of Medicine and Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Spain. He is also director of the International Association Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG-world) “Federation of Geriatric Education” and co-responsible of the IAGG e-TRIGGER online training
He has authored over 400 articles in peer-reviewed journals, was responsible of a European report on “Transforming the future of Ageing”. He also co-edited the International Textbook of Geriatric Medicine with Dr Cho (2010) and was the first editor of the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine (2018). He is currently in charge of co-editing the updated versions of these two textbooks.
September 2022, Specific Healthcare Models for Older People
Prof. Bertrand Guidet (F)
Professor Bertrand Guidet is the director of the Medical Intensive Care at the Hôpital Saint Antoine in Paris, France. In 1987 he joined the Medical Intensive Care Board. In 1993 he gained the necessary qualifications to perform research direction. He has been a university medical professor since 1997.
Professor Guidet is also a member of the research unit INSERM U1136 at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), which is a French public organization entirely dedicated to biological, medical, and public health research. He is the medical director of Saint Antoine hospital. He is the past President (2008 – 2010) of the French Society for Intensive Care and is currently a member of the Health Research and Services outcome section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). Professor Guidet has written 357 articles published in national and international journals. He worked on the critically ill old patients since 20 years and was the PI of several national and international studies. He is full member of the French Academy of Medicine.
During the COVID period, he elaborated recommendation for ICU admissions. He is involved with the French ministry of health on ICU organization at the national level
Prof. Bianca Buurma (NI)
Bianca Buurman was appointed professor by special appointment of Integrated Elderly Care in 2015. She has also been professor of Acute Geriatrics at Amsterdam UMC (location AMC) since 2017. Her professorship conducts research into how primary care (GPs and district nurses), hospitals and care homes can work together in the best possible way to keep elderly people independent for as long as possible, avoid hospital admissions and give the elderly the best possible quality of life. The research is conducted in close collaboration with the elderly and their informal carers.
Bianca Buurman did a Bachelor’s in nursing at the AUAS, followed by a Master’s in nursing science at Utrecht. In 2011, she obtained a doctorate through her research on identifying and supporting vulnerable elderly people in hospitals. She coordinated several major studies, amongst others into integrated GP care for vulnerable elderly people and the Integrated Care Bridge (Transmurale Zorgbrug) project, a care pathway for vulnerable elderly people that reduces mortality rates and is being implemented in 25 Dutch hospitals.
In 2013-2014, with the help of a Rubicon grant, Bianca spent a year conducting research into loss of independence amongst the elderly following admission to hospital, at Yale University in the US. In 2014, she was awarded a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to conduct further research into the mechanisms that give rise to loss of function in the elderly.
In 2022, she was elected IAGG-World president (2026-2030)
Dr. Tung Wai AUYEUNG (歐陽東偉) (HK)
Dr. AuYeung was among the first batch of medical graduates of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1986. He won the commonwealth medical fellowship in 1992 and then received training in Geriatric Medicine in the United Kingdom. After back to Hong Kong, he started to set up memory clinic and he was among the pioneers in the development of geriatrician-led dementia services in Hong Kong. He furthered study in Master of Public Health and obtained his Doctoral Degree of Medicine in 2015. He is currently a consultant geriatrician in Pok Oi Hospital and also acts as Service Director (primary and community health care) of NTW Cluster, overseeing 8 primary care clinics, 2 community health centres, 2 geriatric day hospitals, the outreach geriatric service and community nursing service. Academically, Dr AuYeung is an adjunct associate professor of the Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and he has published in international peer-reviewed journals in research areas such as body composition study in old age, sarcopenia and frailty, cognitive decline, geriatric paradox, diabetes mellitus in older people and end of life medicine; and is also serving in the Research Grant Review Board of the Food and Health Bureau and Guardianship Board of Labour and Welfare Bureau. He is also member of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia. In addition, he is a council member of Hong Kong Geriatrics Society and now the Convenor of the Brain Health Special Interest Group and member of the DM Special Interest Group. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journals of Gerontology and Geriatrics, the official journal of the Society and has edited two practical manuals about neurocognitive disorders for the Society.
August 2022, Gerontechnology
Prof. Izumi Kondo
PhD Managing Director at National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology and Professor Fujita Medical University, Medical Science Research Center.
Prof. Liang Kung Chen
Dr Chen is full professor in Geriatrics at the National Yang-Ming University in Tapei.
Prof Chen is also the Director of the Centre for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and the Director of Aging and Health Research Centre of National Yang-Ming University.
Dr. Chen’s research work is focused on several domains: (1) frailty and sarcopenia, (2) insulin resistance and metabolic resistance of the older people, (3) age-friendly healthcare systems, including long-term care and dementia care, and (4) smart health care and artificial intelligence.
Prof. Yeh-Liang Hsu
Professor Yeh-Liang Hsu received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from National Taiwan University and was conferred Ph.D. by Stanford University in 1992. He then became a professor at Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, where he has had many important roles, including Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Secretary-General, and Dean of Academic Affairs.
Professor Hsu directed his research interest in gerontechnology design and established the Gerontechnology Research Center in 2003, the pioneering research institute in this field in Taiwan. He has published papers, books, and patents, and has conducted many projects in gerontechnology. Professor Hsu has been actively involved in the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG). He was the chairperson of the 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology. He is Editor-in-Chief for Gerontechnology (the official journal of the ISG) and IT Director of the ISG.
In 2016, Professor Hsu founded Seda GTech Co. Ltd. Working with young cofounders who were his students, he has been pushing gerontechnology research to real products for daily applications by older adults and caregivers.
July 2022, Mental Health
Prof Liat Ayalon
Liat Ayalon, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Social Work, at Bar Ilan University, Israel. Prof. Ayalon coordinates an international EU funded Ph.D. program on the topic of ageism (EuroAgeism.eu). She is also the Israeli PI of the EU funded MascAge program to study ageing masculinities in literature and cinema. Between 2014 and 2018, Prof. Ayalon has led an international research network on the topic of ageism, funded through COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology; COST IS1402, notoageism.com). She consults both national and international organizations concerning the development and evaluation of programs and services for older adults.
Prof Shuichi Awata, M.D.,Ph.D.
Director of Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia
Prof, Dr Tan Maw Pin
Tan Maw Pin is Professor in Geriatric Medicine at the University of Malaya. She qualified from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom and worked as an house officer in Derby and a Senior House Officer at the Nottingham City Hospital before moving up north to Newcastle upon Tyne to pursue her higher specialist training in geriatric medicine. She worked briefly as a consultant geriatrician at the Royal Victoria Infirmary and Freeman Hospital before returning home to Malaysia. She is the Principal Investigator of the Transforming Cognitive Frailty into Later Life Self-Sufficiency (AGELESS) programme which is funded by a Ministry of Higher Education Long Term Research Grant Scheme. Prof Tan is also the Honorary Secretary of the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine and the College of Physicians of Malaysia. She is Academic Editor to PLOS ONE and Associate Editor to Frontiers in Medicine. In addition, she has founded the University of Malaya spin-off, ACT4Health Sdn Bhd, and as Medical Director of the Genting Dementia Day Care Centre and Managed Care Services Sdn Bhd.
June 2022, Pharmacology session
Prof. Mirko Petrovic
Mirko Petrovic (MD PhD), is a Professor and Chairman in the Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Ghent, Belgium, lead of the research unit “Quality of drug utilization in older persons’ a geriatrician at Ghent University Hospital and serves as President-elect of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed articles in high-impact journals in aging and clinical pharmacology. He has delivered more than 130 international presentations as a guest or key-note speaker.
Prof. Fei-Yuan Hsiao
Mrs Fei-Yuan Hsiao (PhD) is full professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy at National Taiwan University. Her main research interests are Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Health services research.
Prof. Masahiro Akishita
Masahiro Akishita (MD, PhD) is full Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate school of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. His main research interests are pharmacotherapy and its safety in the old population as well as Gender differences in Geriatric Medicine.
May 2022, Falls and Fractures session
Ming-Yueh Chou
Ming-Yueh Chou is the Director at the Division of Geriatric Integrated Care, Center of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital and M.D., School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Lecture, National Yang Ming University School of Medicine.
Prof. Keith Hill
Professor Keith Hill is the Director of the Monash Rehabilitation Ageing and Independent Living (RAIL) Research Centre. He is a physiotherapist and senior researcher with extensive track record across community, hospital, and residential care settings. Keith’s main research has focused on falls prevention, exercise, healthy ageing, and rehabilitation. He has been a Chief Investigator on NHMRC partnership and project grants, and also has recent and current research grants with collaborators in Singapore, Canada, Brazil, and Hong Kong.
Prof. Finbarr Martin
Professor Finbarr Martin is Consultant geriatrician at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS hospitals in London for 32 years, now clinically retired (but back vaccinating!). Emeritus Professor of Medical Gerontology at King’s College London. Research on geriatric syndromes including falls, fracture prevention, delirium and muscle function, and the applications of CGA across clinical areas. H-Index 56 (Google Scholar, 2021)
Co-author, AGS/BGS Falls Prevention Guidelines, 2001 and 2009. Clinical lead for the England Department of Health falls and fractures toolkit, 2020. Clinical lead (2012-2018) England national Falls and Fragility Fractures Audit programme.
Past-president, European Geriatric Medicine Society, 2020-2021. President, British Geriatrics Society 2010-12. Non-executive director, National Institute of Care and Health Excellence, England (NICE) 2013-2016
April 2022, Cognitive decline and dementias session
Prof. Li-Hung Chang
Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, Brown University
Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor (Joint Appointment), Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
The 9th Distinguished Award for General Education Teachers, Minster of Education, Taiwan
Prof. Koichi Kozaki
1986: Graduated from University of Tokyo, School of medicine
1988-2005: Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
2010-: Professor, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Prof. Hajime Takechi
Hajime Takechi, M.D., Ph.D.
1986: Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
1999-2014: Department of Geriatric Medicine, Kyoto University
2016-: Professor, Department of Geriatrics and Cognitive Disorders, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University
March 2022, Frailty session
Prof. Jean Woo
Jean Woo is Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Henry G Leong Research Professor of Gerontology and Geriatrics – Faculty of Medicine, Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Co-Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity, Director, SH Ho Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics, Director, Centre for Nutritional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Honorary Consultant Geriatrician, Hospital Authority
Prof. Liat Ayalon
Liat Ayalon, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Social Work, at Bar Ilan University, Israel. Prof. Ayalon coordinates an international EU funded Ph.D. program on the topic of ageism (EuroAgeism.eu). She is also the Israeli PI of the EU funded MascAge program to study ageing masculinities in literature and cinema. Between 2014 and 2018, Prof. Ayalon has led an international research network on the topic of ageism, funded through COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology; COST IS1402, notoageism.com). She consults both national and international organizations concerning the development and evaluation of programs and services for older adults.
Prof. Katsuya Iijima
Katsuya Iijima is Director of the Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI) and Professor, Institute of Gerontology (IOG), the University of Tokyo. His main research interests are: Geriatric medicine (especially, Cardiovascular medicine), Gerontology, prevention of frailty due to sarcopenia, oral frailty and Patient-centered Home medical care.
February 2022, Sarcopenia session
Dr. Ben Kirk
Dr Ben Kirk PhD is a Research Fellow at the Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science (AIMSS), located within the Department of Medicine at the University of Melbourne. His clinical research focuses on identifying the mechanisms of and treatments for Sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and function) to improve health outcomes for patients.
Prof. Hidenori Arai
Hidenori Arai, MD, PhD. President of the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, President of the Japan Gerontological Society, President of the Japanese Association on Sarcopenia and Frailty, Vice-President of the Japan Geriatrics Society. President of Asian Academy of Medicine for Ageing and Chairman of Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia and Chairman of Asian Working Group for Cachexia.
Prof. Wee-Shiong Lim
Li-Ning Peng is Associate Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Medicine and Chief, Division of Research, Development and Promotion, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital.
January 2022, Malnutrition session
Prof. Tommy Cederholm
Tommy Cederholm is Professor of Clinical Nutrition at Uppsala University and senior consultant in Geriatric Medicine at the Karolinska institute in Stockholm
He acts as expert at Swedish Council for Food and Health, is chairman of SWESPEN, and active in the ESPEN SIG Geriatric Nutrition.
He authorized more than 220 papers on nutrition in geriatrics
Prof. Elisabet Rothenberg
Prof Elisabet Rothenberg is registered dietitian and PhD. Currently she has a position as assistant professor at Kristianstad University at department of Health Sciences. She is involved in research projects concerning nutrition and body composition of older adults. She is PI for the study SeSam. She has an experience of involvement in guideline committees nationally and internationally. She has been president of the Swedish clinical dietitians for 16 years and involved in EFAD the European dietetic organisation. Since 2016 she is president of SWESPEN and member of ESPEN council.
Prof. Wee-Shiong Lim
Prof. Wee-Shiong Lim is the Director at Institute of Geriatrics and Active Aging, and Senior Consultant at the Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He is Fellow of the American Geriatrics Society, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, NTU, and Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
His research interests include sarcopenia and related disorders; frailty and intrinsic capacity; cognition-related disorders; caregiving; and evidence-based medicine in the older adult.
December 2021, Healthy Ageing session
Dr. Yuka Sumi
Head of the Aging program in the Maternal, New-born, Adolescent, Health and Aging at World Health Organization
Trained at London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine- London University
Visiting researcher at the Beth Israel Deaconess medical Center – Boston
Associate professor at Juntendo University – Tokyo
Senior project leader of Global health at Kanagawa governmental prefecture
WHO Medical Officer acting as responsible for WHO Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) approach at the secretariat of WHO Clinical Consortium on Healthy Ageing (CCHA).
Currently she is the head of the Aging program in the Maternal, New-born, Adolescent, Health and Aging at World Health Organization
Dr. Ritu Sadana
Dr Sumi Sadana is Head, WHO Secretariat, WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All.
She was trained in economics, epidemiology, demography, and anthropology at Harvard University. Then, she worked to advance health equity since 1985 in public and private sectors in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. Relevant to older people, coordinated development of the first WHO Global Strategy on Ageing and Health including objective towards the Decade of Healthy Ageing; co-authored World Report on Ageing and Health; negotiated Global Strategy’s accountability framework and ensured monitoring of national commitments; developed metrics and global monitoring of healthy ageing; developed research and evidence strategy reflecting policy makers and older people’s views; lead author and editor of Decade of Healthy Ageing: baseline report.
Prof. Liang Kung Chen
Dr Chen is full professor in Geriatrics at the National Yang-Ming University in Tapei.
Prof Chen is also the Director of the Centre for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and the Director of Aging and Health Research Centre of National Yang-Ming University.
Dr. Chen’s research work is focused on several domains: (1) frailty and sarcopenia, (2) insulin resistance and metabolic resistance of the older people, (3) age-friendly healthcare systems, including long-term care and dementia care, and (4) smart health care and artificial intelligence.